May School Update – Dia de las Madres and a soccer tournament

Dear friends,

Today is Mother’s Day (Dia de las Madres) in Guatemala and at the middle school we are supporting in the community of El Triunfo, a special celebratory dinner will be held with the students and their families. It’s part of the return to regular activities at the school.

Last month I visited the school to hear an update on what’s been going, get caught up on the paper work and meet more of the students. I also had the chance to watch the girls soccer team in action. They had recently won a tournament among local schools and had advanced to a second game in the nearby town of Panajachel. Unfortunately, the home team playing on their local pitch prevailed, but it was still a fun excursion for the students and staff.

Your support is essential to the ongoing success of the school primarily by covering a majority of the salaries of the teachers and staff. Each year we also make a special purchases to help the school ranging from new laptops and computers to the backpacks and school supplies purchases for the teachers earlier this year.

If you would like to make a donation to the school,  here’s the link to donate online:

(If you are donating online, please indicate the amount, then under “Apply your donation to a specific fund set up by this charity” select the second option which is “El Triunfo School.” It’s important to indicate this. You may also wish to indicate that your donation is for Ken’s School in the note.)

For those who prefer to send in a cheque payable to Casa-Pueblito, please note that they have a new address.


2356 Bloor St. W, Toronto, ON

M6S 1P3

ATTN: El Triunfo School Project

Thanks for your continued help!


PS – if you would like to purchase a scarf or other item from Asociacion Maya please let me know. You can view some of the available products here. Also, I have fairly traded “Café Justicia” coffee from Guatemala available as well.

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